How can I set up a FTP connection using the SFTP protocol?
Learn the steps for setting up an SFTP connection with Istation.
You must create an FTP template on our site so we know how to interpret your CSV files.
Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up the FTP Template
Upload Files
Step 1: Log in to our website:
Step 2: Select the Administration tab in the navigation bar.
Step 3: Select Import and Roster Management on the left side,
Step 4: Select Create New Import Job and choose the type of import you will be utilizing.
Step 5: Select the desired Import Settings, and then click Upload File.
Step 6: Map the columns and click Validate.
Step 7: Once the files have been validated, click Edit and you will be taken back to the Import Job page. On the far right, there will be a button called Save as Import Template. Click that and you will be able to send us your files via FTP.
File Name: The file name is strict; you must use the exact file name as the file you used to create the FTP template. If you upload a file named “Users2018.csv” to create the FTP template, the file name will need to match on every upload (note that the filename is case sensitive, including the file extension). Templates are also account-specific, so you will need to send the file with the same username that you used to set up the import template.
SFTP Settings
The syntax for your username in your FTP client should be as follows:
- yourUsername_admin_district_st (district = the name of your district, st = state abbreviation)
Note: If your existing username to log in to contains an underscore (“_”), it will need to be removed or changed for you to connect successfully to the SFTP server. Please log in to the website and change your user name by editing your account information.
FTP compatible settings: - Host:
- Port: 22
- Server Key Value (optional): SHA256:0B+sJCIa50lEhqAat+9FwO/CroG63F7kwajFlsF5ss4=
FTPS Settings
The syntax for your username in your FTP client should be as follows:
- (district = the name of your district, st = state abbreviation)
FTP compatible settings
Encryption: -
explicit FTPS over TLS (Port 21) in passive mode
- implicit FTPS over TLS (Port 990) in passive mode
- Transfer Mode: Passive
When a file is received at the FTP site, the system will search existing templates that contain a file with a matching file name. If a matching template is found, it is used to import the file. You will receive an email upon successful completion if the Send a job completion notification email to me checkbox is checked. If no matching template is found, you will receive an email notification regardless of the checkbox setting.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact our support team at: or 866-883-7323, option 2.