How do I integrate LTI with Istation?
Understand the basics of integrating Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) with Istation to create a better, more efficient learning environment.
To configure and enable SSO with LTI (for teachers and students), please visit Single Sign-On Settings.
Step-by-Step Guide to Configure Istation with SSO (with LTI):
Step 1: Visit Single Sign-On Settings. This link will only open for Istation Managers.
Step 2: From here you will be able to:
- Select and enable LTI as the SSO technology
Acquire the Launch URL
- the Launch URL is used to direct the user to the Istation app or website
Acquire the consumer key
- the OAuth consumer key used to identify the Tool Consumer to Istation
Acquire (or provide us) the consumer secret
- The OAuth consumer secret used to validate LTI Launch links from the Tool Consumer. This field is populated with a unique value but may be configured with your chosen password.
Specify the User ID type
- the field in Istation used to match the LTI field for User Id
- "School assigned ID" is most used.
- the student ID for students and "ID/Employee Number" for teachers and managers
- If you choose "3rd party ID" - let us know and we'll make sure we allow this 3rd party ID to be a field you can all include in your roster import (so we may have this in our system to use for SSO purposes) . This field is excellent for any value that is not native to both student(s) and staff.
Teacher Login Vs. Student Login:
- When a teacher signs in, it will sign them into
- When a student signs in, it will launch for all devices besides iPads (for those with iPads it will launch the downloaded application).
If you have any questions about this information, please contact our support team at: or 866-883-7323, option 2.